Author: Tracy D. Wright


SGA Senate hears pleas for funding

Students and faculty representing all areas of FAMU filled the senate chambers to lobby for senate approval of proposed budget allocations for the 2003-2004 school year. Julian White, director of bands, pleaded with senators to approve his request for funding to purchase new instruments. “The instruments are just old and […]


Stop the Iraqi War!

The current war in Iraq was waged too hastily. It is true that Saddam Hussein has committed atrocities, such as gassing the Kurds (a minority people living in Iraq) with Serin 9. Hussein used state sponsored terrorism against Kuwait, to get Kuwaiti oil fields for economic gain. President Bush should […]


Spring elections remain unresolved

The original candidates who ran for sophomore attendant and SGA president and vice president may find themselves campaigning all over again. Larry Rivers and Virgil Miller won the vote to become next year’s SGA leaders, but were disqualified for amassing too many penalty points. Although they were disqualified the night […]


War becomes reality

WASHINGTON — War erupted Wednesday night as the United States launched dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles and aimed 2,000-pound bombs at Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and other “leadership targets” in Baghdad. The strike was aimed at “decapitating” Saddam’s regime and targeted him, his two sons and other senior leaders of […]


University thrives on cultural pride

FAMU celebrates black culture, promotes black pride, emphasizes black spirituality, and nurtures its black students. In order to remain dedicated to the initial mission of historically black colleges and universities, FAMU must continue to conduct itself in this way, even if it means forgetting about the non-black students. Non-blacks who […]


Women need self-esteem check

For those of you who may be out of the loop, March is Women’s History Month. This is a time when we’re supposed to celebrate the women in our lives. It is also a time when each woman should give herself a pat on the back for whatever she has […]


Color blindness yields great atmosphere

As a white student attending FAMU through a cooperative program offered at Florida State, my initial reaction to the question, ‘Does Florida A & M forget about its “non-black” population of students?’ was without a doubt, no. But while the answer was apparent, an analysis of the explanation was a […]


Rattlers slide by Knights

Call them the “Comeback Kids,” the “Rallying Rattlers” or what ever you want, the baseball team found a way to win, again by beating Central Florida 12-11 increasing their winning streak to five games. Alcides Segui lined a double in the bottom of the ninth to score Ben Morgan from […]


Bush wastes black blood

There is a hypocrisy in being black and being in the armed forces. To be black and die for America is to die in vain. Just study history and you’ll see the pattern. We win America’s wars abroad only to return to poverty and struggle. Still denied rights and racially […]


U.S. rushes into war

America is at war. With hardly any knowledge of the repercussions in store, the United States is attacking Iraq with little to no support. There are approximately 40 countries in a coalition with the United States, but many world leaders, such as China, Russia and France, are not among them. […]