Author: Benjamin Evans III


Bus overturns on interstate

A Florida A & M University tour bus transporting FAMU’s men and women cross country teams overturned early Thursday morning near Gaffney, S.C. Frank Parish, driver of the 1989 MCI tour bus loss control on Interstate 85. Parrish claimed he hit a bump on the road, which caused him to […]


Activities offer fun for everyone

For the most part, homecoming is the most anticipated time of year. Soul food on the sidewalks, family and friends from out of town, and a feeling of school pride, make the historical event fun for everyone. Young and old Rattlers celebrate the festive occasion by taking pictures, going to […]


Charged twice

Students are upset about the possibility of paying $30 for athletic game ticketsbecause they say it is already taken out of their tuition. “I feel like if you are a student some things should be included, as much as wepay for tuition,” said Charita King, a 22-year-old junior English student […]


No hiatus for senate

The workload for the SGA Student Senate was heavy during Homecoming week as senators dealt with Florida House Bill 353 compliance, fund allocation and a confirmation at Monday’s Senate meeting. The senate wrestled with exactly how they were going to comply with House Bill 353 in the Student Body Constitution. […]


Students split over skipping class issue

Homecoming week is right around the corner and for some, class will be sacrificed for an all day affair of being posted on the set or just hanging out around the house. Skipping class is usually viewed in the eyes of a professor and in the eyes of a student. […]


Video game proves to be addictive

Anyone who has played a game made by Electronic Arts’ sports division is familiar with its motto, “EA Sports, it’s in the game.” That little catch phrase has never been more precise than with the release of this year’s Tiger Woods sponsored golf simulator. “Tiger Woods’ PGA Tour 2004” is […]


Homecoming 2003

Sunday 6 p.m. -7 p.m. Worship Service (Lee Hall)9 p.m. – midnight Rattler Cinema (Lee Hall) Monday 11 a.m. -3 p.m. Spirit Day on the Set -The King and Queen of Orange & Green 6 p.m. – midnight Bash/Carnival/Party on the Set/Den/Patio/Galimore Lanes Tuesday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Health […]


Famuan Access

Why is The Famuan placed around campus so late, and why do they only make it to certain places. They should not be stacked on the floor in Tucker Hall all morning. This is great newspaper so please make an effort to have them around campus every Monday, Wednesday and […]


Searches continue for 4 deans

Of FAMU’s 12 colleges, only seven have permanent deans. And administrators say the search is on to find permanent replacements. Provost Larry Robinson said search committees were formed to select the most competent people to fill the vacancies. After interviewing numerous applicants to replace former SBI dean Sybil Mobley, a […]


University ready to ‘go live’

The media got a sneak peek of the university’s new online and automated system that will create a virtually “paperless environment” and a new way of doing business on campus. Forty-five FAMU faculty and staff gave a tour of the Enterprise Resource Planning systems facility and their work, which has […]