Author: Alicia Turner


Health department teaches plague prevention

The Florida Department of Health teamed up with the Disaster Resistance Community Group on Saturday to show residents what would happen if an influenza pandemic broke out in the Big Bend area. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people wouldn’t have resistance to a new virus. Hospitals would […]


Urban Outfitters brings unique style to Tallahassee

Students will not have to travel as far for that right look anymore with Saturday’s grand opening of Urban Outfitters in College Town. It took little time for the store to gain attention at Florida A&M and Florida State as students formed lines outside in the cold morning air anxiously waiting for the […]


Tallahassee to host Sustainable You Conference

The city of Tallahassee and its community partners are hosting Sustainable You on Monday and Tuesday at the Florida State University Turnbull Conference Center. The theme of the conference is “Sustainability: The Power of Collaboration.” “We are excited to show our guests unique sustainability practices and also allow them to […]


Rattlers football schedule released

A new sense of hope was restored Friday when the Rattlers upcoming football schedule was unveiled. The Rattlers will look to set the record straight as they bounce back from last season’s 3-9 record. The schedule is marked by five home games with an intriguing visit from Costal Carolina, a […]


Health department confirms H1N1 cases in Leon County

The Leon County Health Department has confirmed that there are cases of H1N1 in Leon County. “H1N1 is circulating in Leon County, which is not unexpected,” Page Jolly, a public information officer and contract manager, wrote in an email. The H1N1 virus, which rampaged throughout the country in 2009, has re-emerged […]


Jazz reception to raise funds for theater scholarships

The Essential Theatre will hold an inaugural jazz scholarship fundraiser at the Black Archives on Saturday and Sunday. The event is catered to financially service deserving theater students at Florida A&M. Ronald Davis, former director of theater and professor emeritus, established the scholarship fundraiser to help recruit students with financial […]


Pandemic plague preparation

The Florida Department of Health is teaming up with the Disaster Resistance Community Group to educate Tallahassee residents on how to properly prepare for a global plague. The training event aims to get people to understand the severity of a disaster and how to properly respond if one were to […]


Marijuana legalization is logical

For the longest time, there has been a villainous stigma attached to marijuana and anyone who smokes the leafy green. Generations have passed, ideals have evolved and the “forbidden fruit” is not so forbidden anymore. In fact, 20 states are already on board legalizing marijuana for medical use. Washington and […]


Fitness festival to promote healthy living

The Tallahassee Fitness Festival will be held at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center on Saturday when patrons will have access to all things health-related. Felina Martin, the festival’s producer, offered expectations and developments during a press conference for the event. “I’m really excited about everyone that’s on board with us,” Martin […]


Tallahassee NAACP president calls for change

Tallahassee’s NAACP chapter president is calling for higher standards and more thorough evaluations for people in law enforcement after a partial grand jury didn’t indict the officer who fatally shot a former Florida A&M football player. Dale Landry, who is also a retired law enforcement officer, said he isn’t surprised […]