Author: Alaythia C. Burkins


Provost informs faculty and staff

Provost and Vice-President of Academic Affairs Debra Austin’s first general faculty meeting was met with mixed reviews as she outlined her vision for continued commitment to student success, faculty cohesiveness, and improved technological and facility infrastructure. Prior to Wednesday’s faculty meeting, Austin, who officially became the provost Sept. 6, had […]


Daimler-Chrysler vision of global

Last week, Daimler-Chrysler sold its remaining 12.4 percent stake in the Japanese based company Mitsubishi Motors, establishing the demise of creating a global automotive empire. After Daimler-Chrysler’s sale, Goldman Sachs was on the verge of becoming Mitsubishi’s largest shareholder until Monday when it sold all but 1.04 percent of its […]


Young parents juggle families and studies

While many Florida A&M University students are faced with worries of getting tuition paid and what stylish outfit to wear on the hill, other Famuans are concerned about having time to do their homework and weekly baby sitter rates. Becoming pregnant while in college can be one of the most […]


French youth riot in streets after two controversial teen deaths

Mostly poor youth in France initiated civil unrest Oct. 27 with a series of mass arson attacks on vehicles and buildings. A majority of the youth committing the acts were Muslim and of African or north African origin, according to an article in The New York Times. The riots began […]


Alito confirmation would mean right slant for Supreme Court

If Samuel Alito, President Bush’s recent Supreme Court nominee is confirmed in January, the court will noticeably move to the right, meaning votes would more than likely shift in favor of conservatives. If confirmed, Alito will join fellow judges, Clarence Thomas and John Roberts, who have openly spoken out against […]


Campus groups unite to advise young men

Both young men and women quietly filled half of the ground floor seating in Lee Hall Auditorium to hear about the “Quest for Manhood” Monday evening. With only a 13-minute delay and a slide show malfunction, “A Quest for Manhood,” a seven men and two women panel discussion, proved to […]


For fans tired of controversy, 50’s number is up

On November 9th, 2005, 50 cent’s highly anticipated and heavily endorsed semi-autobiographical film made its debut in theaters across the nation. The film has been creating a buzz for the last two months, especially with all of the controversy surrounding it. Before marketing for the film was even set in […]


Students shouldn’t pick plastic

Misusing credit cards seems to be a norm, especially among college students. We use these plastic devices to pay our utility bills, buy shoes, clothing, gas and a bag of chips. Credit cards are used as money that is extended to consumers as a means of profit for lenders. This […]


FAMU Announcements

Attention all motivated and dedicated female rattlers. The Diamond Back Athletic Recruitment team is searching for new members for the Spring. Applications are available in student. For more information e-mail Vontese Jones at If you own a digital camera, like to be the life of the party and enjoy […]