Author: Daniel Watkins


Students should make voices heard

There is a huge problem with SGA right now – you. Well, not you specifically, but us the students at this University. Forget about who is going to spend the most money on ads, who is going to hand out the best candy or which candidate is most fluent in […]


Process should be flawless

Election officials said students don’t count votes, that way the results can be as unbiased as possible. “The machines count ballots,” said Ranaldo Allen, senior senator and acting chair of SGA’s Elections and Appointments Committee. “We count the number of signatures to make sure they match the number of ballots […]


Balance is key in college

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the pickle jar theory. You know the one where you get a large jar and put some big rocks into it. Think it’s full and you can’t add anything else to it? OK, now add some pebbles. Full yet? Try adding some sand to […]


Prayer deters students

For most students, faculty and administrators, convocations are a time to enjoy coming together as one. However, for some, convocations are less enjoyable. To promote attendance, classes are cancelled for most convocation. But students from other religions will choose not to attend so they will not be subjected to Christian […]


Students question SGA’s goals

The spring SGA elections begin today and some students have concerns about the issues that the candidates may or may not address. Two common problems that some students want addressed are financial aid and parking. “Candidates in the past are known for addressing the issues at hand, but some students […]


Bush pledges to increase Pell Grants

One of the major themes at the top of President George W. Bush’s second-term education agenda is overhauling federal aid for college students. In his recent State of the Union Address, Bush pledged to make significant changes to the funding of Pell Grants. “To make our economy stronger and more […]


Candidates face new rules

Members of the Elections and Appointments Committee of the 34th Student Senate and the Electoral Commission are taking steps to ensure that every candidate adheres to the rules and is treated equally. The E&A Committee, temporarily headed by senior senators Ranaldo Allen and Kenneth Milstead, created the rules for the […]


Copyright violations banned

The University’s Electoral Commission has set new rules concerning the use of copyrighted and trademarked material for the 2005 student elections. Candidates in the elections are not allowed to use any material that has been copyrighted or trademarked without written consent from the owner of that material. “These elections fall […]


Dorms not living up to expectations

When I first began my college career, the last thing on my mind was worrying about the place I would stay. After all, I decided to reside in a dorm. These are university-regulated buildings. Officials took the time to decide to close two of the boys’ dorms because they had […]


Vote wisely in SGA election

FAMU SGA elections are an exciting part of the year for most students. Like in national elections, students should exercise their right to vote. Candidates campaigning for different positions put their all into winning the position that they are seeking. They aspire to get every student vote that they can. […]