Author: Ashli Doss


Senate Watch Week Starts Monday

#8220;Do you have what it takes to be a senator?” is the question being asked by members of Florida A&M’s 40th student senate. As student senators are preparing for the Senate Legislative watch week, expect to hear this slogan throughout the campus in the coming weeks. Taking place March 28 […]


Students Voice Problems with Undermaintained Dorms

From molding to overcrowding issues for the past two years, housing on Florida A&M’s campus seems to not be getting better. According to the housing guide-booklet, all visitors must be out of the residents’ rooms at midnight and some students don’t agree with the set time. “The only issue I […]


Student Producers Craft Five-Minute Films for Contest

Producers compete in 48-hour film festivalThe Tallahassee Film Festival is just two weeks away and contestants all over Tallahassee are excited about this year’s event. FAMU, FSU and TCC students had a chance to participate in the 48-hour contest that allowed aspiring directors and producers to get beneficial feedback from […]


FAMU Plans to Interview Candidates for Director of Student Activities Soon

Within a couple of weeks, five candidates will be selected to come to campus for their interview process for director of student activities. The search committee for the director of student activities met March 18 in the Al Lawson Center and discussed dates for the campus interviews, the time frame […]


Not All It’s ‘Maid’ Out to Be

Mountains of stained laundry, gnats and a foul stench covered the basement floor of the hotel laundry room. Normally, housekeepers are left to sort through the filth ridden sheets, wash rags and hand towels of yellow tint and yesterday’s makeup. But today a younger crowd takes over.   Four females […]


No Pride Left for Florida A & M LGBT Club

Albert Jackson, president and founder of FAMU’s LGBT club, blames himself for the lack of student participation. Tallahassee Community College has PRIDE and Florida State University has Pride Student Union. Many students do not realize that FAMU also offers the same organization. LGBT clubs are an integral part of any […]


Gov. Scott Signs Teachers Bill, but Educators Protest

Gov. Rick Scott signed the Republican-sponsored teacher merit pay legislation into law Thursday. The bill passed the House 80-39. It cleared the Senate in a largely partisan 26-12 roll call, last week. Some educators around the state believe the bill could have adverse effects. The legislation established a statewide teacher […]


Lawmakers Pull Golf Bills after Outcry

Legislators have withdrawn Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail of Florida bills after an outcry from residents.   On March 4, Rep. Pat Rooney (R-Palm Beach Gardens) and Sen. John Thrasher (R-Jacksonville) filed similar bills to both the House and Senate calling for golf courses to be built in five state parks, […]


Anti-Abortion Bill Progresses

Lately conversations have arisen in the Florida Senate and House that could alter reproductive health care in the state. Last Tuesday, Sen. Stephen R. Wise (R-Jacksonville) introduced Senate Bill 1414 which states that if an individual or group health insurance policy is purchased in whole or in part with any […]


Coach Marvin Green: Kingmaker for Florida A & M Golf

Ten years ago, Marvin Green was selected by athletic administrators to become Florida A&M’s the head golf coach. He has turned the team into a perennial top five team among HBCU’s. Green, a native of Chicago, is a FAMU alumnus that received his bachelor’s in business and master’s in Sports […]