Relationships: Is the game just getting too old?

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Relationships, especially in modern-day social media, and progressiveness can seem all-consuming for some. The pressure to be a certain way, look a certain way, and have a certain mindset creates a limited dating pool of eligible bachelors. Then factoring in outside influences such as social media, for example, relationships in 2023 have been impacted, but is it always a negative thing?

Maia James-Daniels, an animal science major, feels as if social media takes away the notion of self-love before loving someone else.

“Even though people are always like ‘everything is not all good and dandy’ nobody ever shows the negatives, arguments, or trials and tribulations that couples go through,” James-Daniels said.

“And then people neglect the fact that you have to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with anyone else because you shouldn’t rely on anyone to make you happy. They should add to that.”

Tsedae Moran, a psychology major, says two outside influences that put a strain on current relationships are social media and other friends.

“On social media, everybody romanticizes their relationship and puts out this false narrative of what their relationship actually is just in order to keep up their image,” Moran said. “And some people see other people’s relationships online and feel like that’s what their relationship is supposed to be when in reality every relationship is its own.”

She continues by adding that even friends in your circle can influence how your relationship dynamic becomes. Everyone handles relationship issues differently and solely using the advice of a friend on how to handle an issue in your relationship can negatively impact it.

Reanna Desameau, a pre-physical therapy major on the pre-medicine track at Florida A&M University, feels not all aspects of outside influence are harmful.

“SheraSeven is one of those women who believe that if a guy is trying to pursue you and he’s not trying to take you on a date just let him be because it’s like a waste of time,” Desameau said.

“I’ll say she definitely changed my mindset on that I used to be okay with just texting but as I got older if a guy is trying to pursue me and we’re two weeks in and he still hasn’t taken me out I feel like it’s pointless and I would just let him go.”

How can Gen-Zers combat the ever-changing dating game? Will we ever reach a middle ground or will be in this continuous cycle forever?