Student entrepreneurs thrive during Set Friday

Bryce Brown at his Tribe Vintage stand at Market Friday on Set Friday.
Photo Courtesy: Derrick Taylor

Since its inception, Set Friday at Florida A&M University has cultivated a tradition of
community congregation. The university has stood firm on the concept of cultural
preservation throughout its history. Market Friday at Set Friday offers an experience
unique to that of any of the universities’ other traditions.

Alongside the assembly of the various Greek organizations, music and fun, Market
Friday acts as a platform for student entrepreneurs to gain visibility among the student

Student business owners are allotted the space to set up tables, racks and displays of
any product in their inventory for sale. This direct to consumer model has proven
popular among these young entrepreneurs as many of them have become regulars on
the scene.

Independent streetwear business culture has risen in popularity in the student body at
FAMU. Set Friday serves as an incubator for these businesses to gain traction on the
ground level.

Junior business owner Moni Fagbamiye says Set Friday has impacted the presence of
her streetwear brand, Aworan, on campus.

“It personalizes the brand in a way. It also has impacted my brand’s presence a lot. I
often see people around campus wearing my brand. I may see someone in my class
wearing a hat or a bag and I wouldn’t even remember selling it to the,” Fagbamiye said.

“Set Friday has really impacted my confidence. It is one thing to get a few comments on
social media, but being in person and having people constantly coming up to you and
telling you how nice your stuff is helps you to know you’re doing something right,” she

Senior business administration student Bryce Brown says that Set Friday has helped him
build tough skin and introduce his vintage clothing brand, Tribe Vintage, to people
unfamiliar with the vintage sector of fashion.

“Set Friday has really helped me to build a callous because sometimes there are good
days and bad days as a business owner. Some days I sell a lot and other days I don’t
sell anything at all. This has helped me understand that things come in waves and when
I have repeat customers, it gives me confidence that I am doing something right,” Brown

Market Friday on the Set is a tradition that has brought plenty of traffic to many student
start-up businesses for many years, and as the tradition continues many of the young
entrepreneurs on FAMU’s campus will find inspiration to create their own brands.