Florida A&M University’s Graduate Feeder Scholars Program is hosting its 31st Annual Graduate Feeder Scholars Conference this week. The conference runs Tuesday through Thursday. It will include a recruitment fair and various workshops that are geared toward students who plan to attend graduate school.
On Thursday, the GFSP will have recruitment fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fair will have the following universities in attendance: Auburn University, Barry University, Florida State University, Texas A&M University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, University of Florida, Virginia Tech, and more.
It’s important to attend workshops and recruitment fair because they prepare students for what to expect when applying to different graduate programs and colleges.
Michael Scarboro, a fourth-year architecture major, discussed what he enjoyed about the professional development workshop held on Tuesday.
“Dr. Stephenson spoke with great confidence. You can tell she was passionate about the topic and helping us.” He added, “I definitely will be at the recruitment fair.”
Adrienne Stephenson, a two-time Florida A&M graduate, assistant dean of the Graduate School at Florida State and director of the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards, held two professional development workshops on Tuesday in Coleman library. At the workshops she discussed everything from fellowships to how letters of recommendations can make or break your application.
Pamphlets about external funding opportunities were given out and the criteria for FAMU feeder fellowship.
Fourth year english major, Madelyn Mcclarey found out the GFSP was having a conference by searching online, trying to find out what events FAMU was having this week. She talked about why she was going to attend more workshops.
“As a senior I feel like you’re supposed to continuously learn, so I’m going to the workshops tomorrow in the Grand Ballroom,” said Mcclarey.
The professional development workshop was informative and interactive. It gave some students a peace of mind knowing they will be prepared when applying to grad school because they were well informed.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and McKnight fellow, Stephenson gave her advice to students who plan on pursuing higher education.
“ My best advice would be to think about your interest and your career goals because those things are going to determine what program you apply to and how you engage in that space wherever you choose to pursue your graduate degree. Think deeply about your interests. Think deeply about your career goal. What do you want to do beyond your degree?”
Students who are serious or curious about attending grad school should consider attending the rest of the events the GFSP is hosting. For more information regarding the Graduate Feeder Scholars Program, go to: http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?graduatestudies&GraduateFeederScholarsProgram