Understandably, Hillary Clinton is taking aim at her competitors in the race for the 2008 democratic presidential candidate. However, her latest shot at Senator Barack Obama may have taken it too far.
In a Jan. 7 interview with Fox News correspondent Major Garrett, Clinton managed to take a jab at both Obama and Martin Luther King Jr.’ s legacy at the same time. In response to Clinton’s previous criticism of his false hopes, Obama defended his hopes for the country by pointing out that Dr. King was not afraid to dream big.
In trying to upstage her rival, Clinton may have made a big mistake. After Garrett read Obama’s remarks, she responded by saying, “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964…” With Martin Luther King Day is fast approaching Clinton’s comment was not the smartest.
It may not have been her intent, but Clinton’s comment suggests that Johnson was the most important element in the civil rights movement.
Clinton failed to mention that in a segregated country, King wasn’t afforded the same opportunities as Johnson. Still, he fought just as hard if not harder to create a day when a black man or a woman could dream of leading our country.
Clinton is right about one thing. It does take more than just a dream to bring about positive change. Ironically, the greatest plans in the world have all seemed to start with just that, a dream.
Christine Thomasos for the Editorial Board.